Here you will find links to some useful web sites. If you know of a site that may be of use please let us know on the message board and we'll stick it up.
Tide Times - Port Of London Authority
Recording Your Finds
Portable Antiquities Scheme or PAS. Search database and finds recording -
UK Detector Finds Database. Search database and finds recording - UKDFD
Identifying Finds
Specialist sites
Coins - Coins Of The Uk
Chinese Coins -
Lead Tokens - Leaden Tokens Telegraph
Traders Tokens - View online versions of the Williamson Part I and Part II 1889 and Jacob Henry Burns 1855 catalogues. These books are still used for conclusive identification for a large number of 17thC traders tokens
General Browsing
English Weights and measures - English Weights and measures
British Historical Medals 1760-1960 - British Historical Medals 1760-1960
Livery Buttons - livery buttons identified
Bag/cloth Seals -
Clay Pipes - Dawnmist
Coin Weights - Colchester treasure hunting/coin weights
Finds Database - Colchester Treasure Hunting
U.S Buttons, Buckles and Relics -
British silver thimbles - ukdfd.thimbles
Buckles 1250-1800 - An online version of Ross Whitehead's book
Straightening hammered coins - Straightening a bent hammered coin
Mr Pepys' small change -
The home of Thames Archaeology - Thames Discovery Programme