Wapping 11/04/10 Limehouse 09/05/10 Wapping 14/08/11 Greenwich 28/08/11
Fifty Quid Challenge 2010 West Greenwich 2010 Isle Of Dogs 27/04/10
Rotherhithe 27/08/11 Isle Of Dogs 03/09/11 Harry Clarke's summer 2011
Limehouse 31/08/11 Limehouse 17/09/11 Chelsea 16/10/11 Salt Quay 29/10/11
Wapping 12/11/11 Blackwall 16/01/12 Westminster 28/01/12 ICI 11/02/12
Limehouse 17/12/12 Watergate St 18/11/12 Xmas trip 15/12/12
Si+Ken's Canoe trip Salt Quay 20/10/13 Isle Of Dogs 08/12/13
Blackwall 04/01/14 Greenwich&IOD's 19/01/14 Wapping 02/02/14 Christmas trip 2014
BLACKWALL 04/01/14
Mudgod and Rock brave the water with new comrades Soren and Thor for an epic day at Blackwall. A 7am start in the dark and pouring rain, waiting for the arrival of the Norwegian duo on their boat and after picking us up at Greenwich and IODs we were on our way. Finds were slow at first but we were soon picking up some nice bits. Unfortunately due to the cold and rain we didn't manage to do any finds shots but we did amass a nice collection of medieval pottery, clay pipes, bits of belarmine, lead tokens, some nice decorated buttons and half a stone cannonball. Have a look at this Mangonel which was a medieval seige engine, basically a catapult for firing stone shot at castle walls. At least the date fits in with the pottery we found so it could be a contender. Decent coinage was unfortunately sparse but I did manage a cracking jetton.
After a good few hours of searching and getting soaked we were suddenly overcome with the smell of sausages being cooked. Infact Mudgod mentioned this to Thor who just says 'yeah that'll be my Dad'. As we squint through the downpour we can just make out Soren who has produced a table, stove, coffee and is frying up some sausages. Surreal to say the least and definitely a first for T+F. Perhaps we should make this a regular feature? Fry up's on the foreshore. We might have to change our logo though.
A really great day and many thanks to Soren and Thor for taking us out on such a memorable trip.