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We are very proud to announce the official launch of the book “THAMES MUDLARKING: Searching for London’s Lost Treasures”.
The book tells the story of London and it’s inhabitants from pre history up to the present day. With unique access to the private collections of many Thames Mudlarks, this book includes some of the best examples of River Thames finds. Over 50 mudlarks have contributed to this book, and contains over 160 stunning photographs.
The book is available on Amazon, Kobo and all good online bookstores. A big thanks to the many mudlarks who contributed their incredible finds, stories and photos and illustrations for this book.
Dr Who ??
Mud God, Rock and Gander recently filmed an upcoming show for Channel 4 about British Heritage with Peter Davidson of Dr Who and All Creatures Great And Small fame. Lovely chap and in this pic he is holding a custom made trowel made for him by Gander. Click the image below to see our bit or head over to the video page to see more of our films.
Bill Bailey finds Saxon Hoard in Mud God's beard
Oz and I bumped into this Chap the other day. He said he was out looking for somewhere interesting to run and saw that the tide was out. Very nice chap and he was fascinated to know all about Mudlarking and hear about some of the finds we have had.
Russell even had some nice words to say about us on his radio show. Click below to have a listen.

Search has been busy finding more Canon carriage cheeks. These have now been recorded with The Thames Discovery Programme and have been drawn and plotted and the area is now under protection. Possibly French or Dutch, Search has been told that some of the timbers in the area are from known ships that were taken by the English during battle. More info to come...
Jimbo's amazing (almost) complete Bellarmine Jug find is now in the River Finds section. Thanks to Sharon for taking pics of the whole process. Another one-off from T+F. Well done Jimbo!!
Thames and Field are a community of friends who Mudlark on the famous muddy
Thames foreshore for our liquid past.
Searching by eye, scraping or detecting, these websites are dedicated to our passion
for finding evidence of our past history.
All of the artifacts you will see on these pages have been found by club members and
almost all have been found by “eyes only” which involves no digging at all thus avoiding
any damage to the foreshore. We are eco friendly finders of London’s liquid history and a mega friendly club too.
Thames and Field are one of the most prolific recorders of finds in the country for P.A.S. The Portable Antiquities Scheme. These are recorded at each monthly meeting by Kate Sumnall our finds liason officer from The Museum Of London.
Remember... don’t stash it... P.A.S. it! Your find is worthless without provenance so record it.
Our club is a place where novices Mudlarks and experts can get together and learn
about this fascinating hobby.
Even newbies will have a story to tell and are always welcome to come and join us. Especially after they have paid their club funds. We’ll be like best buds then.
And last but not least... Mudlarking will be like nothing you’ve ever done before. It’s a way of life really. You can get down there an hour a week or twice a day 7 days a week... the choice is yours, but be safe, record your finds and best of all you’ll get to have a grin with a great bunch of mates in the mud.
Lots of stuff from all three seasons on our Mud Men Page or click the link in the sidebar.
Also check out the Mud Men facebook page for news and updates.
Woolwich John's incredible Richard III Boar Mount
PAS reported in December last year
Found on the Thames foreshore was this copper-alloy mount in the form of a boar,
which was reported to the local Finds Liaison Officer. The mount shows the boar
chained, collared and wearing a crown, and it has a crescent (presumably heraldic) above one of its legs.
Given the renewed interest in Richard III, after the apparent discovery of his remains in Leicestershire, it is wonderful to have a London find associated with the king. The mount is
very similar to a number of boar badges which have been reported Treasure over the past few years, which were made for followers of Richard III (of York), as Duke of Gloucester, during the Wars of the Roses. Richard took the white boar as his sign; 'bore' may havealso been an
anagram of Ebor, the Latin for York.
Michael Lewis, Deputy Head of P.A.S said:
"Badges in the form of a boar were ordered for use at Richard III's coronation
(in July 1485) and also for the investiture of his son, Edward, as Prince of Wales
(in September). However, it is not certain what the mount from London came from,
maybe a piece of furniture or was used to decorate an item of leather once owned
by a supporter of Richard III, or possibly even the king himself"
You can see the full PAS record of it here
November 2014
Woolwich John's Boar badge gets a mention in this article about Norbury church, Derbyshire.
Ever wondered what the river would look like if it was empty?
A little bit of artistic license used here I feel as the foreshore seems to have completely disappeared. Still quite a mad visual. I reckon I'd be straight up to Mud God's elusive canon spot. Then again saying that I bet we still wouldn't find it!!
The Canon of Proportions..??
Or the proportion of Canons..??